Hello, fellow truth-seeker!  My name is Sean Salamander, and like yourself, I am a spiritual truth-seeker. I believe that spiritual principles are just as real and useful as scientific principles. This newsletter will explore many different spiritual principles and truths as taught by our world teachers and mystics. And we will discuss how to apply these principles in your day-to-day life.

I am a chemical engineer by training, and I have spent my life searching for truths—both scientific (in the outer world) and spiritual (in the inner world).  I’m also interested in the answers to the “big” questions—for example, who are we and why are we here?

My home library is chock-full of spiritual books from several of our world traditions.  The teachings of Jesus. Christian mystics.  Zen Buddhism. Sufism. Taoism. Hinduism.  I have explored many of these through meditation, prayer, and reflection. I believe there are many paths to the truth, and I’ve investigated countless spiritual nooks and crannies.  And I believe the world’s spiritual teachers are all telling us strikingly similar things.

In my book, The Hidden Teachings: Spiritual Engineering and How to Connect Directly to the Universe, I talk about learning the language of the Universe.  Once you learn this language, you are able to have a direct conversation with the Universe, just like our world mystics and teachers have done.  Learning the language of the Universe allows you to cultivate a direct and intimate connection with the Universe, with all of the benefits that brings to the seeker and to the planet. 

So welcome, fellow traveler. We are all Spiritual Warriors learning lessons in this place called Earth. Let’s learn together. Let’s share our light with each other. The divinity in me salutes the divinity in you. Let your light shine!

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Universal spiritual laws and truths newsletter.


Spiritual Teacher. Seeker of Wisdom and Truth. Author of "The Hidden Teachings: Spiritual Engineering and How to Connect Directly to the Universe". Spiritual principles are just as real as scientific principles.